Remove square brackets from a string vector
I have a character vector in which each element is enclosed in brackets. I w开发者_高级运维ant to remove the brackets and just have the string.
So I tried:
n = c("[Dave]", "[Tony]", "[Sara]")
paste("", n, "", sep="")
Unfortunately, this doesn't work for some reason.
I've performed the same task before using this same code, and am not sure why it's not working this time.
I want to go from '[Dave]'
to 'Dave'
What am I doing wrong?
You could gsub out the brackets like so:
n = c("[Dave]", "[Tony]", "[Sara]")
gsub("\\[|\\]", "", n)
[1] "Dave" "Tony" "Sara"
A regular expression substitution will do it. Look at the gsub() function.
This gives you what you want (it removes any instance of '[' or ']'):
gsub("\\[|\\]", "", n)
The other answers should be enough to get your desired output. I just wanted to provide a brief explanation of why what you tried didn't work.
concatenates character strings. If you paste
an empty character string, ""
, to something with a separator that is also an empty character string, you really haven't altered anything. So paste
can't make a character string shorter; the result will either be the same (as in your example) or longer.
If working within tidyverse:
library(tidyverse); library(stringr)
n = c("[Dave]", "[Tony]", "[Sara]")
n %>% str_replace_all("\\[|\\]", "")
[1] "Dave" "Tony" "Sara"