
Using Doxygen to create PDFs on Mac OS X

I'm pulling my hair out over this - and it's probably a two second fix.

Doxygen creates perfectly wonderful HTML documentation.

It also will produce TeX output, which, according to the documentation, can be used to create a PDF using make: make pdf in the TeX output folder.

It complains that it's missing pdflatex.

So, I installed MacTeX.

Still, no luck, and 开发者_运维问答no such binary pdflatex installed on my machine.

Every Google search I try leads me down 20 year old websites with animated GIF background, outdated information, and no one ever tells me how the * to get pdflatex installed on my machine.

What am I missing here?

EDIT: I realize now that I can use TeXShop to open the refman.tex file and create the PDF myself. But I'd still like to know if I'm missing something with pdflatex - as I'd still like to be able to generate the PDF automatically.

The modern way to install TeX/LaTeX on the Macintosh is the MacTex version of TeXLive.

See this page

teTeX contains pdflatex, and is likely included in macports and fink, or you can compile it yourself.





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