question about init and load from xib for a custom UIView
I am trying to create a custom UIView class which loads from a xim file that contains the interface for that view. I am trying to encapsulate the [NSBundle mainBundle] loadNibNamed...] within the init method of my custom view as follows:
- (id)init
self = [super init];
if (self) 开发者_如何学JAVA
NSArray* nibViews = [[NSBundle mainBundle] loadNibNamed:@"LoadingV" owner:self options:nil];
self = [(LoadingV*)[nibViews objectAtIndex: 0] retain];
return self;
I want to know:
- Is this an acceptable way of doing so? And is there any better way?
- Should i keep the "retain" given that i do not call [self release] in dealloc?
Cheers AF
No, this is not acceptable, it's bad practice and you actually have a memory leak there.
Better way to do this is to use a pattern called "factory".
@interface CustomView: UIView
@implementation CustomView
- (void)awakeFromNib {
// custom view loaded from nib
@interface UIView (Nib)
+ (UIView *)viewFromNib:(NSString *)nibName bundle:(NSBundle *)bundle;
@implementation UIView (Nib)
+ (UIView *)viewFromNib:(NSString *)nibName bundle:(NSBundle *)bundle {
if (!nibName || [nibName length] == 0) {
return nil;
UIView *view = nil;
if (!bundle) {
bundle = [NSBundle mainBundle];
// I assume, that there is only one root view in interface file
NSArray *loadedObjects = [bundle loadNibNamed:nibName owner:nil options:nil];
view = [loadedObjects lastObject];
return view;
// CustomView.xib contains one View object with its class set to "CustomView"
CustomView *myView = (CustomView *)[UIView viewFromNib:@"CustomView" bundle:nil];