
Select Children of an object with jQuery

I have this function that I'm using to open a modal dialog that I need to populate开发者_如何学运维 with some information from the 'dblclicked' node:

    $(".delete").live('dblclick', function () {
        var id = $(this).attr('id');
        var txt = this.parentNode.children[2].innerHTML;

Example of the html:

    <td class='delete'></td>

Right now I'm getting the

var txt = ...
with pure javaScript.

The question is "How can I achieve the same result for the var txt using jQuery?"

You can change it to:

var txt = $(this).siblings(":eq(2)").html();

I think it's the fastest solution.

Like this:

var txt = $(this).parent().children().eq(2).html();

.parent() selects the parent element.

.children() selects the children

.eq(2) selects the element with index 2 within the children

.html() gets the html content of this element

edit: changed children(':eq(2)') to children().eq(2) thanks to Felix Kling

var txt = $(this).siblings().eq(2).html();

Using eq() as a method instead of passing it as the selector is faster.

Anyway, since you already had the solution in JavaScript, why you want to slow down things using jQuery?





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