How to access an MFC control from a worker thread?
What is the best way to access an MFC control from a worker thread?
What is the MFC idiomatic way of accessing a control?
I read here the following approach but I do not like very much the new
of the CString
, how can I be sure the CString
will be properly deleted
typedef struct tagTP
HWND hwnd;
int n;
} TP;
// ...
void CMyDlg::OnBnClickedDoWork()
TP* tp = new TP;
tp->hwnd = m_hWnd;
tp->n = 42;
AfxBeginThread( doWork, tp );
UINT CMy开发者_高级运维Dlg::doWork(LPVOID p)
TP* tp = reinterpret_cast< TP* >(p);
CWnd* dlg = FromHandle( tp->hwnd );
if ( tp->n == 42 ) {
CString* s = new CString( "Is the Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything" );
dlg->PostMessage( UWM_UPDATE_STATUS, 0, reinterpret_cast< LPARAM >(s) );
return 0;
LRESULT CMyDlg::OnUpdateResults(WPARAM,LPARAM lParam)
CString* s = reinterpret_cast<CString *>(lParam);
m_result.AddString( *s );// m_result is a CListBox
delete s;
UpdateData( FALSE );
return 0;
Using PostMessage(..) is correct. Consider using SendMessage(..) - which block until finished. Passing a pointer to a newed object is common - check the return value of the PostMessage(..) to check whether it was posted or not.
how can I be sure the CString will be properly deleted ?
As mentioned, check the return value of PostMessage(..) and work up the whole message queue in case of quiting the message loop.
As a general rule, MFC controls can only be accessed from the thread that created them. This is the reason why the sample you found goes through the extra step of passing a message. The message is received and processed by the thread that created the control.
The CString is properly deleted in OnUpdateResults().
In addition to @Simon's answer, if you have a more complicated scenario where it's harder to figure out who should delete the CString (or whatever type), consider std::tr1::shared_ptr. It will take care of deleting.