
How can I make VIM a full fledged IDE [closed]

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Closed 23 days ago.

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How could I make VIM a full fledged IDE by using different supported plugins for YUI开发者_开发百科, JQuery and git integration etc.


This has links for various plugins for vim. Explore on this site and you can find a few more resources and tips for using Vim as your IDE.


Thoses videos can teach you a lot about vim. I guess you'll be able to do whatever you need to after looking at them.

Posting my response from Unix & Linux here as well since that thread was closed.

While there are many plugins for Vim, it really isn't an IDE. However, you can get many of the features of IDEs in Vim.

As has been mentioned, you can install plugins manually by searching for them based on features you'd like. If you are looking for something that is already mostly configured, then I'd suggest using scrooloose's vimfiles project hosted on GitHub. You can clone it into your ~/.vim:

git clone https://github.com/scrooloose/vimfiles.git ~/.vim

You may want to backup your current ~/.vim directory first.

Once it is downloaded you can install the submodules:

cd ~/.vim
git submodule init && git submodule update

Finally to use the new plugins you'll have to source the vimrc file in your ~/.vimrc by adding source ~/.vim/vimrc to your ~/.vimrc.





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