backup restore sql database through AttachDBFilename
I am not able to create a backup of database saved in location like C:\database\mydb.mdf
error : Unable to create a backup
Backup sqlBackup = new Backup();
sqlBackup.Action = BackupActionType.Database;
sqlBackup.BackupSetDescription = "ArchiveDataBase:" +
sqlBackup.BackupSetName = "Archive";
sqlBackup.Database = databaseName;
BackupDeviceItem deviceItem = new BackupDeviceItem(destinationPath, DeviceType.File);
//ServerConnection connection = new ServerConnection(serverName, userName, password);
ServerConnection connection = new ServerConnection(serverName);
Server sqlServer = new Server(connection);
Database db = sqlServer.Databases[databaseName];
sqlBackup.Initialize = true;
sqlBackup.Checksum = true;
sqlBackup.ContinueAfterError = true;
sqlBackup.Incremental = false;
sqlBackup.ExpirationDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(3);
sqlBackup.LogTruncation = BackupTruncateLogType.Truncate;
sqlBackup.FormatMedia = false;
string dataBaseName = @"C:\database\mydb.mdf";
string serverName = @"Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True";
string destinationPath = "C:\\mydb.bak";
Maybe I am passing wrong variables?
Please can anyone verify it and post me the right solution
thnx in advance.
PS: database is not password protected and can use mixed authentication
First of all - I guess some of your parameters are wrong:
ServerConnection connection = new ServerConnection(serverName);
Here, you need to pass just the server's name - so in your case, do not send in your whole connection string - just .\SQLExpress
As for your database name - I don't know if you can use SMO to backup an "attached" MDF file in SQL Server - normally, this would be the database name (the name of the database only - no file name, no extension) when the database is on the server.
string dataBaseName = @"C:\database\mydb.mdf";
So my suggestion here would be:
- attach this MDF file to your SQL Server instance (which you have installed anyway)
- give it a meaningful name, e.g.
then use just the database name as your value here:
string dataBaseName = "mydb";
With these points in place, your code does work just fine in my case, at least...