
Does anyone know how to create a folder tree in the Eclipse DDMS File Explorer?

I'm trying to create the path "/package name/databases" under the sdcard fold开发者_如何学JAVAer. Anybody got the secret?

Are you using fileobj.mkdir() method from File class? Check if the directory already exist if not exist then create it.Refer

And don't forget about writing permissions for external storage, WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE.

Just select the parent folder and click the small + ("New Folder"). Do this again for the next subfolder.

Does anyone know how to create a folder tree in the Eclipse DDMS File Explorer?

Creating SD Card

 Access to your Android SDK Tools folder and use command “mksdcard” in order to create one.

 By default installation on Windows, the Tools folder should be here:

  C:\Program Files\Android\android-sdk\tools
 Using following syntax to create your desired SD Card

  mksdcard [memory size] [output file]

For example, I’d like to create a SD card with 200 MB in memory and put the files in 
 C:\Personel\AndroidNewbie\SDCard with file named “sdcard_dev.iso“, I do like this:

 mksdcard 256M C:\Personel\AndroidNewbie\SDCard\<span class="skimlinks-unlinked">sdcard_dev.iso</span>


Using SD Card

You’ve done creating your desired SD Card, now you need it to be used by Android emulator. Open Eclipse, 
   access to your project.
   On menu Run -> Run Configurations, click on Android Configuration on the left tree menu, click on tab 
  Target on the right pane. You will see at the bottom: “Additional Emulator Commandline Options” and an 
  Input/Edit box below:
 Just type your input sdcard following syntax   
  -sdcard [sdcard location]

 For example, with the SD Card I’ve created above, I type:  

 -sdcard C:\Personel\AndroidNewbie\SDCard\<span class="skimlinks-unlinked">sdcard_dev.iso</span>




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