
Combining 2 SQL SELECT queries Into one

I have (2) tables (1) is Prices and the other is Orders


Symbol varchar
Open decimal
High decimal
Low decimal
Date DateTime


Ticker varchar
Enter decimal
EntDate datetime
Exit decimal
ExtDate datetime

I'd like a query that give me all the pricing data for a specific datetime range and all the orders for that symbol for that same datetime range:

   , P1.Open
   , P1.High
   , P1.Low
   , P1.Close
   , P1.Date
   , O1.EntDate
   , O1.Enter
   , O1.ExtDate
   , O1.Exit
FROM Prices AS P1 
INNER JOIN ORDERS AS O1 ON O1.Ticker = P1.Symbol
WHERE P1.Date < CONVERT(datetime, '01/01/2012 10:00 AM')

Obviously this just does not work, I get multiple listings for Orders repeated for every line of Price Data.

Example Prices Table

 Sym    Open   High    Low    Close    Date
 ABC     1         3         1           2        1/1/2011 10:01 AM
 ABC     1         3         1           2        1/1/2011 10:02 AM
 ABC     1         3         1           2        1/1/2011 10:03 AM
 ABC     1         3         1           2        1/1/2011 10:04 AM
 ABC     1         3         1           2        1/1/2011 10:05 AM
 ABC     1         3         1           2        1/1/2011 10:06 AM
 ABC     1         3         1           2        1/1/2011 10:07 AM
 ABC     1         3         1           2        1/1/2011 10:08 AM
 ABC     1         3         1           2        1/1/2011 10:09 AM
 ABC     1         3         1           2        1/1/2011 10:1开发者_开发问答0 AM

Example Orders Table

Sym  Enter   EntDate            Exit ExtDate
ABC   1      1/1/2011 10:-00    3    1/1/2011 10:02 AM  
ABC   1      1/1/2011 10:-03    3    1/1/2011 10:04 AM  

Example Output for Prices and Orders Query with Date and EntDate < 1/1/2011 10:07 AM AND Symbol = ABC

Sym    Open   High    Low    Close               Date                Enter  EntDate                 Exit      ExtDate
ABC     1         3         1           2        1/1/2011 10:01 AM     1    1/1/2011 10:-00         3         1/1/2011 10:02 AM
ABC     1         3         1           2        1/1/2011 10:02 AM     1    1/1/2011 10:-03         3         1/1/2011 10:04 AM
ABC     1         3         1           2        1/1/2011 10:03 AM
ABC     1         3         1           2        1/1/2011 10:04 AM
ABC     1         3         1           2        1/1/2011 10:05 AM
ABC     1         3         1           2        1/1/2011 10:06 AM
ABC     1         3         1           2        1/1/2011 10:07 AM

you need to have P1.Symbol and not T1.Symbol

Consider joining only the orders for the same day as the Price row:

from    Prices as P1 
left join 
        Orders as O1 
on      O1.Ticker = P1.Symbol
        and p1.Date <= O1.ExtDate and O1.ExtDate < dateadd(day,1,p1.Date)




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