
Disable Tab Pages on Form load and then enable on button click [closed]

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I have four TabPages in a TabControl and on the form load the first TabPage sh开发者_如何学JAVAould be Enable and others should be disable. ( Not Hide, Remove or disable Contents of the TabPages).

The following is the example in which first TabPage is enable and others are disable and their text are also dim

Disable Tab Pages on Form load and then enable on button click [closed]

I am new to C#, Looking for simple and accurate solution in c# 2010


From what I have read you can not disable tabs like that directly. You do have few alternatives.

  1. First Alternative. http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/252t3cec.aspx

  2. Second alternative is there may be some third party add on that you can install something like this one.


But this is for old versions of .Net I believe, you can search to see if anything latest is available.

3 Alternative can be found here. http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/winforms/thread/985b41c3-a1de-4744-8875-63262d4c2718/





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