in javascript dom, is there a mapping of tagName to HTMLElement?
cannot find a mapping of element tagName to HTMLElement, for example:
'DIV': HTMLDivElement
'A': HTMLAnchorElement
there is not a 1:1 mapping, for example
'B': HTMLElement
'S': HTMLElement
would be nice if said reference contained the distinguishing characteristic between an bold and strikeout HTMLElement
, but maybe I hope for too much.
this has to exist somewhere in webland...
There's a list on MDN:
Looks like it maps the DOM objects to the corresponding HTML elements:
HTMLElement, directly implemented by: <dd>, <dt>, <tt>, <i>, <b>, <u>, <s>, <strike>, <big>, <small>, <em>, <strong>, <dfn>, <code>, <samp>, <kbd>, <var>, <cite>, <acronym>, <abbr>, <sub>, <sup>, <bdo>, <center>, <address>, <noframes>, <wbr>, <noscript>, <noembed>, <header>, <footer>, <article>, <aside>, <section>, <nav>, <figure>, <figcaption>, <mark>, <ruby>, <rt>, <rp>
HTMLAnchorElement, implemented by: <a>
HTMLAppletElement, implemented by: <applet>
you can visit here,see the interfaces in javascript.i hope this can help you.
If you read the docs
You'll see that elements are named like you wish (HTMLInputElement,HTMLQuoteElement, etc..)
But it looks like javascript is making no difference, you can always differ on node.nodeName
or node.tagName