Avoiding IllegalArgumentException when using NULL as placeholder value in query?
I'm trying to get contacts photo from content providers and facing some kind of issue with this query.
Cursor p开发者_高级运维hoto = cr.query(
new String[] {
Data._ID + "=?",
new String[] { photoId },
This is the related line from logcat:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: the bind value at index 1 is null
After some tests,i figured out that I get this exception if one of the contacts have no picture set.
I searched and found this same problem. Seems like it's a bug. And I can't solve it. Any help will be appreciate.
You certainly don't want to find photos with id=null, so you have to use this code:
if (photoId != null) {
//your code here
Would be nice, if you posted full stack trace.
You're correct - it is the same problem as this:
You're also correct about it's being a bug.
The "bug" is in your code. You need to check your arguments for "nulls", and you should NOT do a query or an update if any of your input parameters are null!
Two choices:
if (myphoto[i] == null)
... or ...
if (myphoto[i] != null)
query ()
It's YOUR responsibility to validate and clean up YOUR data before calling an API...