Why are interfaces not strongly typed?
I have the following code compiles without issue. Of course, I get an invalid cast exception when executing the Dim C As IDoThingsC = GetThing_C()
. Am I missing something? Would you ever want to return an object that does not meet the interface requirement for a function return value?
Public Class ClassA
Public Sub DoThings_A()
Debug.Print("Doing A things...")
End Sub
End Class
Public Class ClassB
Implements IDoThingsC
Public Sub DoThings_开发者_StackOverflow中文版B()
Debug.Print("Doing B things...")
End Sub
Public Sub DoThings_C() Implements IDoThingsC.DoThings_C
Debug.Print("Doing C things...")
End Sub
End Class
Public Interface IDoThingsC
Sub DoThings_C()
End Interface
Public Class aTest
Public Sub Test()
Dim C As IDoThingsC = GetThing_C()
End Sub
Public Function GetThing_C() As IDoThingsC
Dim Thing As ClassA = New ClassA
Return Thing
End Function
End Class
Use Option Strict On
at the top of your source code file to catch problems like this. You'll get a compile time error instead of a runtime error:
error BC30512: Option Strict On disallows implicit conversions from 'ClassA' to 'IDoThingsC'.
Taken from http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/h5fsszz9(VS.80).aspx
When converting between data types, the Visual Basic compiler can operate under strict or permissive type semantics. If strict type semantics are in effect, only widening conversions are permitted implicitly, and narrowing conversions must be explicit. Under permissive type semantics, you can attempt all widening and narrowing conversions implicitly. Type semantics apply to conversions between all data types, including object types.
Option Strict will solve this problem. But also "ClassA" doesn't implement any interface. So, switching Class A's definition to the following will solve your problem:
Public Class ClassA
Implements IDoThingsC
Public Sub DoThings_A()
Debug.Print("Doing A things...")
End Sub
End Class