
Jquery json echo

EDIT Solved it. It was before the ajax call and, hence, this code. Thank you all for the answers.

I can't find anybody with this problem. I have a AJAX call to a PHP script that returns a JSON response.

I fetch the values from a database into an array:

while($row = mysql_fetch_array($ret)){ 
 开发者_C百科   $temp = array(
     'id' => $row['id_reserva'], 
     'start' => $row['data_inicio'], 
     'end' => $row['data_fim'], 
     'title' => $row['descricao']

    $js[] = $temp;


 header('Content-type: application/json');

And echo:

 echo json_encode($js);

There is no return whatsoever, just a null string. What is really bugging me is that if instead of this I create a json string with the previous result directly in the code:

$temp = '[{"id":"3914", "start": "2011-08-25 09:00:00", 
"end":"2011-08-25 18:00:00", "title":"asdasdasd"},
{"id":"3915", "start": "2011-08-25 09:00:00", 
"end":"2011-08-25 18:00:00", "title":"asdasdasd"}]';

echo $temp;

It works. Tried changing the file codification, comparing the strings, checking for some problem with chars, and nothing.



you have to encode it. try

echo json_encode($js);

You need to json encode array:

echo json_encode($js);

You're not outputting as JSON?

echo json_encode($js);

With your method, when jQuery gets the response and cannot parse the JSON it will return the empty string as you have experienced.

Process of elimination..

  • can you print_r ($js) and get output?
  • Take out the header(); statement, does anything appear?
  • Do you have error_reporting and display_errors turned on?
  • You don't seem to initializing 'js' ($js = array()). If you get the literal string 'null' back, this could simply imply that your query is not returning any results.

I could add this statement to almost every long-winded PHP requestion on stack overflow:

Go through your code step by step and echo what you expect the contents of variables to be at that point. Then you'll slowly isolate exactly where your issue is; there's nothing wrong with your code as-is.

Are you not making a multi-dimentional array with $js[] = $temp; and then encoding that? Try just doing json_encode($temp);





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