Django admin login page redirects to same page on correct login credentials
I'm running a relatively fresh Django app that I haven't added much to. I tried to set up the admin (which I've done on plenty of other apps) to create some sample data while I build out the app, but whenever I try to log in wit开发者_如何学JAVAh the super user account I created I get kicked back to the login screen.
When I enter incorrect credentials, I see the proper error message... I just can't get it to take me past the login screen to the admin when I have correct credentials. Has anyone else had this problem and been able to solve it? I'm at a dead end troubleshooting.
is not set while you are not using HTTPS.
Looks like your cookies are messed up. Please start with clearing cookies in browser. If it doesn't help you can also check if your cookies configuration for project is correct. List of settings for cookies configuration can be found here.
Use the below settings for the SESSION_COOKIE_DOMAIN