How to wrap dynamically selected ids using jquery or javascript
I am working on a project in Google Blogger. First i want to explain a thing.
In blogger every post that is created has a unique id assigned to it by blogger itself. This id can be retrieved using Blogger JSON. So i have retrieved the ids of four recent posts using JSON. I want to wrap these first four id containers around a DIV container using JQuery or Javascript. The problem is when i use these ids absolutely in the selector $ and use the wrapAll() function the id container's gets wrapped up. But as i said i'm using JSON to get the container id's so the values of ID's are stored in variable's and when i use those variable as selection for wrapAll() function it doesn't work. I have demos of both those situation's which can be seen by going to this blog and using the firebug console to run these code.Situation 1 when i use absolute container ids
var script = document.createElement("script");
script.src = "";
function hello(json){
var post_num=4;
var id_coll = new Array();
for(i=0; i<post_num; i++){
var ids = json.feed.entry[i].id.$t;
var post_id = ids.substring(ids.indexOf("post-"));
var only_id = post_id.substring(5);
id_coll[i] = only_id;
Situation 2 when i use variable's to select the containers
var script = document.createElement("script");
script.src = "";
function hello(json){
var post_num=4;
var id_coll = new Array();
var front_name = "#";
for(i=0; i<post_num; i++){
var ids = json.feed.entry[i].id.$t;
var post_id = ids.substring(ids.indexOf("post-"));
var only_id = post_id.substring(5);
id_coll[i] = only_id;
var joined_id_0 = String.concat(front_name,id_coll[0]);
var joined_id_1 = String.concat(front_name,id_coll[1]);
var joined_id_2 = String.concat(front_name,id_coll[2]);
var joined_id_3 = String.concat(front_name,id_coll[3]);
So when i use the situation 2 code then it doesn't work but the situation1 code works fine. Can anybody help me with thisYou need to pass in the selector as a string, not a list of arguments;
$(joined_id_0+', '+joined_id_1+', '+joined_id_2+', '+joined_id_3).wrapAll('<div>');
Or even better, replace all of:
var joined_id_0 = String.concat(front_name,id_coll[0]);
var joined_id_1 = String.concat(front_name,id_coll[1]);
var joined_id_2 = String.concat(front_name,id_coll[2]);
var joined_id_3 = String.concat(front_name,id_coll[3]);
$('#'+id_coll.join(', #')).wrapAll('<div>');
And remove the line: var front_name = '#';
You have to concatenat the ids, separated by a comma, as in #id1, #id2, ...
You can do that this way:
The whole line:
If it doesn't works, check the what is returned by [joined_id_0,joined_id_1,joined_id_2,joined_id_3].join(',')
(alert() it, or use console.log).