
extjs vtype: check value using another value in the same row

I have开发者_C百科 an Ext.grid.Panel and i want to validate user input: there is a field named delete and a field named string. Valid input for delete is a number, which can't be greater than the length of a string field in the same row. I already know how to use vtype so now i have

delete : function(val, field){
            var expr = new RegExp("^[-]?[0-9]*[\.]?[0-9]*$");
            var num = expr.test(val);
            if (!num) return false; //can't be not a number
                 //have no idea...

I have no idea how to access string value for the same row.

Hope it's quite clear. Thanks!

It's actually much simpler and cleaner if you define your editor as a variable, you can just refer to it in the fields validator method and get the active record, for example:

// create editor as a variable
var cellEditing = Ext.create('Ext.grid.plugin.CellEditing', {
    clicksToEdit: 1,
    autoCancel: false

// referring to the edited record in the validator function
        xtype: 'datecolumn',
        header: 'Comp Date',
        dataIndex: 'comp_date',
        width: 100,
        format: 'j-M-Y',
        editor: {
            xtype: 'datefield',
            format: 'j-M-Y',
            validator: function(value) {
                var record  = cellEditing.getActiveRecord(); // get active record
                if (Ext.Date.parse(value, 'j-M-Y') < record.get('start_date')) {
                    return 'Cannot complete before start date';
                } else return true;

You should handle validateedit( Ext.grid.plugin.Editing editor, Object e, Object eOpts ) event.

The second argument, e, contains reference to the record that is edited (e.record). You could use this record to get both fields(string and delete) and perform validation accordingly. Assigning false to e.cancel will cancel the editing.

well, there's a workaround, but it's ugly:

    scope : this,
    afteredit : function(roweditor, changes, record, rowIndex) {
        var can_save = true;
        var records = store.getRange();
        for(var i = 0; i < records.length; i++) {
            if(records[i].data['delete'] >= records[i].data['string '].toString().length) {
                Ext.MessageBox.alert('Input error', "blahblah");

I accessed the plugin the following way:


That gives you access to the cellEditing plugin and from there you could do a:

var record = plugin.getActiveRecord(); 




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取 消

