
adding button column to datagrid view causing problems

I have a datagridview binding with data coming from database that works fine. It is loaded with data when the form loads. As per client requirement I have added new button column to datagrid view by using the following code

private void form1_load
           var productsbycount = abc.products.GroupBy(x => x.product_Id).Select(a => new
            productid = a.Key,
            prouctnam = a.FirstOrDefault().product_Name,
            productimage = a.FirstOrDefault().product_Image,
            productdescr = a.FirstOrDefault().product_Description,
            stockavailable开发者_JS百科 = a.LongCount(),
            productprice = a.FirstOrDefault().product_Price

        productbindingsource.DataSource = productsbycount;
        productgridview.DataSource = productbindingsource;
        DataGridViewButtonColumn buttoncolumn = new DataGridViewButtonColumn();
        buttoncolumn.Text = "Buy";
        buttoncolumn.HeaderText = "Buy";
        buttoncolumn.UseColumnTextForButtonValue = true;
        buttoncolumn.Name = "btnbuy";
        productgridview.Columns[0].Visible = false;


when the form load its working fine.

but I am checking the conditions like if we select the any of the item in something like in list view the datagrid view is sorted according to the selected item ... for that I have done like this....

if (lstviewcategories.SelectedItems[0].Value.ToString() == "All")
    var productsbycount = abc.products.GroupBy(x => x.product_Id).Select(a => new
          productid = a.Key,
          prouctnam = a.FirstOrDefault().product_Name,
          productimage = a.FirstOrDefault().product_Image,
          productdescr = a.FirstOrDefault().product_Description,
          stockavailable = a.LongCount(),
          productprice = a.FirstOrDefault().product_Price

       productbindingsource.DataSource = productsbycount;
       productgridview.DataSource = productbindingsource;
       DataGridViewButtonColumn buttoncolumn = new DataGridViewButtonColumn();
       buttoncolumn.Text = "Buy";
       buttoncolumn.HeaderText = "Buy";
       buttoncolumn.UseColumnTextForButtonValue = true;
       buttoncolumn.Name = "btnbuy";
       productgridview.Columns[0].Visible = false;
  • if i click on listview first item( "All") the datagrid view is working fine ....
  • if i click again on listview first item("All") the button column is appearing two times ....
  • if i click again on listview first item("All") the button column is appearing three times...

This is what happening for all items in listview.

My question is, is there any other way to add button column to datagrid view?

I have tried to add the button column in form1.cs[design] this will effect the actual columns in the datagridview. I am working in winforms with c# language. Can any one suggest any idea about these?

Suppose if I remove the below code in this loop

if (lstviewcategories.SelectedItems[0].Value.ToString() == "All")

The actual button column disappeared. Would any one please help on this.


FIRST CONDITION : if (lstviewcategories.SelectedItems[0].Text.ToString() == CategoryType.Type2) {

                 var productsbycount = abc.products.GroupBy(x => x.product_Id).Where(a => a.FirstOrDefault().product_Price > 0 && a.FirstOrDefault().product_Price <= 1000)
                              .Select(a => new
                                  productid = a.Key,
                                  prouctnam = a.FirstOrDefault().product_Name,
                                  productimage = a.FirstOrDefault().product_Image,
                                  productdescr = a.FirstOrDefault().product_Description,
                                  stockavailable = a.LongCount(),
                                  productprice = a.FirstOrDefault().product_Price
                 /*productbindingsource.DataSource = productsbycount;
                 productgridview.DataSource = productbindingsource;
                 DataGridViewButtonColumn buttoncolumn = new DataGridViewButtonColumn();
                 buttoncolumn.Text = "Buy";
                 buttoncolumn.HeaderText = "Buy";
                 buttoncolumn.UseColumnTextForButtonValue = true;
                 buttoncolumn.Name = "btnbuy";
                 productgridview.Columns[0].Visible = false;*/


Second condition :

           if (lstviewcategories.SelectedItems[0].Text.ToString() == CategoryType.Type3)
                 var productsbycount = abc.products.GroupBy(x => x.product_Id).Where(a => a.FirstOrDefault().product_Price > 500 && a.FirstOrDefault().product_Price <= 1000)
                              .Select(a => new
                                  productid = a.Key,
                                  prouctnam = a.FirstOrDefault().product_Name,
                                  productimage = a.FirstOrDefault().product_Image,
                                  productdescr = a.FirstOrDefault().product_Description,
                                  stockavailable = a.LongCount(),
                                  productprice = a.FirstOrDefault().product_Price
              /* productbindingsource.DataSource = productsbycount;
                 productgridview.DataSource = productbindingsource;
                 DataGridViewButtonColumn buttoncolumn = new DataGridViewButtonColumn();
                 buttoncolumn.Text = "Buy";
                 buttoncolumn.HeaderText = "Buy";
                 buttoncolumn.UseColumnTextForButtonValue = true;
                 buttoncolumn.Name = "btnbuy";
                 productgridview.Columns[0].Visible = false;*/


these tow conditions are not working ..

Firstly I would strongly recomend reading up on the DRY principle. To answer your question I would recomend using the refresh method of your BindingSource so that you can refresh the data in your datagridview without changing the datastructure. You should only do all of the following once on load, then refresh the data anywhere else unless you actually want to change the datatype e.g. the data is coming from a different source;

productbindingsource.DataSource = productsbycount;
        productgridview.DataSource = productbindingsource;
        DataGridViewButtonColumn buttoncolumn = new DataGridViewButtonColumn();
        buttoncolumn.Text = "Buy";
        buttoncolumn.HeaderText = "Buy";
        buttoncolumn.UseColumnTextForButtonValue = true;
        buttoncolumn.Name = "btnbuy";
        productgridview.Columns[0].Visible = false;

Instead of doing this all again in the following code block just call productbindingsource.ResetBindings(false);

if (lstviewcategories.SelectedItems[0].Value.ToString() == "All")

UPDATE: Also instead of defining the var productsbycount in this code block, make it a class variable at the very top so that you can access it all your methods, that way when you refresh the data you will have overwritten the previous var productsbycount and it will work marvellously.

UPDATE2: 'ResetBindings() can be used at any point after you have changed the data but as I have already said, you need a class level variable (AKA putting var productsbycount at the top of the class) and in this example it would go after this;

productprice = a.FirstOrDefault().product_Price

UPDATE3: I repeat we are here to help and give advice not write the entire code piece for you but as I am feeling nice =) I also repeat there appears to be a great deal of duplication here and as the code base grows this may cause you great pain!;

namespace Test
    public partial class Form2 : Form
        BindingSource productbindingsource;
        var productsbycount;

        public Form2()
            Load += new EventHandler(Form2_Load);

        void Form2_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            productsbycount = abc.products.GroupBy(x => x.product_Id).Select(a => new
                productid = a.Key,
                prouctnam = a.FirstOrDefault().product_Name,
                productimage = a.FirstOrDefault().product_Image,
                productdescr = a.FirstOrDefault().product_Description,
                stockavailable = a.LongCount(),
                productprice = a.FirstOrDefault().product_Price
            productbindingsource.DataSource = productsbycount;
            productgridview.DataSource = productbindingsource;
            DataGridViewButtonColumn buttoncolumn = new DataGridViewButtonColumn();
            buttoncolumn.Text = "Buy";
            buttoncolumn.HeaderText = "Buy";
            buttoncolumn.UseColumnTextForButtonValue = true;
            buttoncolumn.Name = "btnbuy";
            productgridview.Columns[0].Visible = false;

        private void methodNameHere()
            productsbycount = abc.products.GroupBy(x => x.product_Id).Where(a => a.FirstOrDefault().product_Price > 0 && a.FirstOrDefault().product_Price <= 1000)
                              .Select(a => new
                                  productid = a.Key,
                                  prouctnam = a.FirstOrDefault().product_Name,
                                  productimage = a.FirstOrDefault().product_Image,
                                  productdescr = a.FirstOrDefault().product_Description,
                                  stockavailable = a.LongCount(),
                                  productprice = a.FirstOrDefault().product_Price


many thanks for your support ,I have solved my problem....like this... At the form load i have added the button column to datagrid view ......and when i am checking the conditions like this below..

if (lstviewcategories.SelectedItems[0].Text.ToString() == CategoryType.Type2)

I have just assigned like the below....

productgridview.datasource = productsbycount.Where(a => a.FirstOrDefault().product_Price > 0 && a.FirstOrDefault().product_Price <= 1000)  

Luckily it was working fine .......





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