
Help with a PHP Algorithm class

I'm trying to build a class that will parse CSV files in a certain way. Unfortunately I am NOT an OO programmer in any way shape or form, my company is requiring me to write a class for some future functionality and I seriously, seriously need some help on it. So...

Our $value will be formulated by counting the second marker in the file which is a semicolon, and create a new feed for each carriage return.

Input is like this:


Jeff Goes, Mika Enrar;Triple Threat, Dogs on Bikes

Sonny Ray, Lars McGarvitch, Jason McKinley;Kasabian, Lords of Acid, Hard-Fi

So for ease of understandability, lets say that the names are $name, the bands are $item, and the equatible score is $value.

The Run Down: If the 开发者_开发问答number of letters in the $item is even (Triple Threat = 12) then the $value is equal to the number of vowels in $name times one and a half (Jeff Goes [3x1.5] = 4.50)

If the number of the $item is odd (Dogs on Bikes = 11) then the $value is the number of consonants in $name (Mika Enrar = 5)

If the number of letters in $name share a commonality in $item besides one, multiply the output by one and a half. So (Sonny Ray = 8; Kasabian = 8; then 6x1.5 = 9; or lets say $name = 112; $item = 12; we share a commonality of 12)

The idea is to implement a class that assigns each $name a $item to be offered in a way that maximizes the combined total $value across all of the $item. As a fail safe, there may be a different number of $name and $item.

My output should be the max $value in two decimal places as in 12.00 38.50

If you are looking for something a bit more OOP, and to do so with some built-in function of PHP, I would start by doing this:

class CSVParser

    public $output = NULL;
    public $digits = NULL;

    public function __construct($file)

        if (!file_exists($file)) {
            throw new Exception("$file does not exist");

        $this->contents = file_get_contents($file);
        $this->output = array();
        $this->digits = array();

    public function parse($separatorChar1 = ',', $separatorChar2 = ';', $enclosureChar = '"', $newlineChar = "\n")

        $lines = explode($newlineChar, $this->contents);
        foreach ($lines as $line) {
            if (strlen($line) == 0) continue;
            $group = array();
            list($part1, $part2) = explode($separatorChar2, $line);
            $group[] = array_map(array($this, "trim_value"), explode($separatorChar1, $part1), array("$enclosureChar \t"));
            $group[] = array_map(array($this, "trim_value"), explode($separatorChar1, $part2), array("$enclosureChar \t"));
            $this->output[] = $group;

    private function trim_value($value, $chars)
        return preg_replace("#^( |" . $chars . ")+#", '', $value);

    public function algorithm()
        $alpha = array(
            'c' => str_split('bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxz'),
            'v' => str_split('aeiouy')
        $i = 0;
        $k = 0;
        foreach ($this->output as $item) {
            $cnt = 0;
            $this->digits[$i] = array();
            foreach ($item as $part) {
                $this->digits[$i][$cnt] = array();
                $new = array();
                foreach ($part as $str) {
                    $v = count(array_intersect(str_split($str), $alpha['v']));
                    $c = count(array_intersect(str_split($str), $alpha['c']));
                    $t = strlen(str_replace(' ', '', $str));
                    $new = array('v' => $v, 'c' => $c, 't' => $t);
                    $this->digits[$i][$cnt][] = $new;

$parser = new CSVParser("file.txt");




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取 消

