Rails 3.1rc6 rake asset:precompile breaks paperclip default images
I have the following paperclip setup in one of my models:
has_attached_file :avatar, :styles => {
:large => "#{APP_CONFIG["uploads"]["images"]["size"]["large"]}>",
:profile => "#{APP_CONFIG["uploads"]["images"]["size"]["profile"]}",
:medium => "#{APP_CONFIG["uploads"]["images"]["size"]["medium"]}>",
:small => "#{APP_CONFIG["uploads"]["images"]["size"]["small"]}>",
:thumb => "#{APP_CONFIG["uploads"]["images"]["size"]["thumb"]}>" },
:path => "#{APP_CONFIG["uploads"]["path"]}/users/:style/:id/:basename.:extension",
:url => "#{APP_CONFIG["uploads"]["url"]}/users/:style/:id/:basename.:extension",
:default_url => "/assets/paperclip_missing/user_missing_:style.png"
Now, when I rake assets:precompile RAILS_ENV=staging
, the default images cannot be found any more. The file system shows the files with the compiled md5-hash in the name, like so: user_missing_small-iamalongmd5hash.png
All image_tags reference the correct image, even with the compiled image names, but paperclip does not seem to work that way. Any idea how I can circumvent 开发者_如何转开发this issue? Thanks!
I found a solution! In case you have the same problem, remove the /assets/ from the default_url path (note that there is no "/" in front of the path):
:default_url => "paperclip_missing/user_missing_:style.png"