
Trying to get Hibernate to generate a subquery instead of inner joins (using Grails)

This question is sort of a follow-up to the question I posted here: Problem with duplicates using Grails' withCriteria function with a many-to-many relationship

I'm using the same 3 domain classes defined there, with the addition of the following class:

class Genre {
    int id
    String name

and the added genre property on the Question class:

class Question {
    int id
    int text
    Genre genre

    static hasMany = [questionAnswers : QuestionAnswer]

I've tried 2 queries:

def criteria = Answer.createCriteria()
def listing = criteria.listDistinct() {
    cache false
    order "id", "asc"

    questionAnswers {
        question {
            genre {
                eq("id", myGenreID)


def criteria2 = Answer.createCriteria()
def listing2 = criteria2.listDistinct() {
    join "questionAnswers"
    join "questionAnswers.question"
    join "questionAnswers.question.genre"
    createAlias "questionAnswers", "qa"
    createAlias "qa.question", "q"
    createAlias "q.genre", "g"
    cache false
    order "id", "asc"

    eq("g.id", myGenreID)

Both queries generate essentially the same SQL, except the first generates left outer joins, and the second generates inner joins. Here is the 2nd query's output (simplified with "select *"):

select *
from answer a
inner join question_answer qa on a.id = qa.answer_id 
inner join question q on qa.question_id = q.id 
inner join genre g on q.genre_id = g.id 
where g.id = 1 
order by a.id asc
limit 10;

T开发者_如何学Che SQL above has the potential to return duplicate Answer rows, which I don't want, so I use the listDistinct function on the criteriaQuery (an alternative to the resultTransformer solution I accepted on the referenced question).

Here's the problem: the maxResults function is applied BEFORE the listDistinct function, so if there are any duplicate answer rows I always end up with less than 10 results.

I really need the generated SQL to look more like this:

select *
from answer a
where a.id in (select distinct qa.answer_id
               from question_answer qa
               inner join question q on qa.question_id = q.id 
               inner join genre g on q.genre_id = g.id 
               where g.id = 1)
order by a.id asc
limit 10;

Is there any way to turn the question_answer lookup into a subquery like in the above SQL?

(My apologies if the solution is very simple. If it wasn't painfully obvious from my questions, I'm not terribly amazing at hibernate.)

Any help/suggestions are much appreciated.



I don't know grails, but in Hibernate I think what you're looking for falls under the purview of fetching strategies. One way of setting this is, for example, with the @OneToMany.fetch attribute. You can also set a fetching strategy in queries as shown in this example from that same chapter of the reference guide:

User user = (User) session.createCriteria(User.class)
    .setFetchMode("permissions", FetchMode.JOIN)
    .add( Restrictions.idEq(userId) )

I hope that helps point you in the right direction.





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