Jstl <c:when > syntax
I am updating user status(true,false) form jsp page , here i am getting user status from controller class and displayed in option box , here i am using <c:when>
jstl tag. see the below code
<c:when test="${roamingDenied == 'True')">
<option value="True" selected>True</option>
<option value="False">False</option>
<option value="True">True</option>
<option value="False" selected>False</option>
above code always displayed "False", plz any one give me suggestion for that..
The condition should be just
${roamingDenied == true}
Also, there is a typo in your expression. It should be within {
and }
. Yours ends in a )
It depends on the type of the value of attribute roamingDenied. Perhaps your roamingDenied is boolean not String like adarshr adviced.