
How do I remove the space between two CSS floats?

I have a page desi开发者_如何学Gogned for tabbed page navigation. The top tabs are <li>s in a <ul> and nested in parent divs and a topmost header div. The header div consists of 3 child divs, logo, logo2, and menu. The logo div is set to float left and other two to float right. But there is some unwanted space (or a fluid gap) between logo2 div and menu div. I want no space (or a space of single px) between these divs. You can see a working fiddle here. How can I solve this?

I am getting this

How do I remove the space between two CSS floats?

and I want this

How do I remove the space between two CSS floats?

Your fiddle shows a hug gap between logo and the menu when the window is resized. Is that what you want?

I think this is what you are after...

Change the floats to display:inline-block;s

Example: http://jsfiddle.net/jasongennaro/wVBxy/1/

Try removing the float: right from the menu element, or set it to float: left, depending on how you want logo2 to appear.





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