why does c# have more books about LINQ than vb [closed]
I'm starting a new project to handle info from some text files, a kind of sorting module so I'd like to give it a try using LINQ but looking for a book I realized that there are more c# books than vb, so I wonder if c# have better support or if it is more suitable than vb.
You think there is some advance on use c# or vb.
Better question: Why are there more books for C# than VB.
More developers use it. Simple as that.
Interesting links on Adoption of C# and VB: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_C_Sharp_and_Visual_Basic_.NET#Adoption_and_community_support
Most importantly for this question: Stephen Wiley, marketing product manager at Apress has reported "C# titles outsell VB.NET title books handily, by somewhere between a 2–1 and 3–1 margin."
So if you are looking for community support, I would say C# is the way to go, though MS does support both equally.
Generally the languages are the same, but there is a big difference in the perception of the languages and the types of examples and books available. In many cases you'll find more advanced examples in C# and advanced books in C# (not all, but many). You'll also often see people refer to C# as a superior language, not for any real technical reason but really from a matter of perception.
In my personal experience, you'll also see a difference in pay scales for C# developers vs VB.NET developers.
If you're just starting out, then I would recommend C# and not VB.NET. Again, not for any true technical difference, but because of the perception and available learning materials.
At the end of the day, its all syntax - especially in .net, because they compile down to be used by the same runtime engine. Perception is a big part, because c# looks more 'authentic', but its more based on perception. Also, c# syntax is very much like java, which is a language highly reverred amongst programmers. So, the natural progression says that more people will probably use c# than vb, and vb.net's grandfather (vb6) wasn't a good language...hence there are more resources for it..