Problem with join
It looks like this:
nearbys(20, :units => :km).joins(:interests)
.where([" NOT IN (?)", blocked_ids])
.where("interests.language_id IN (?)", interests
.collect{|interest| interest.language_id})
This produces the following SQL:
(111.19492664455873 * ABS(latitude - 47.4984056) * 0.7071067811865475) +
(96.29763124613503 * ABS(longitude - 19.0407578) * 0.7071067811865475)
AS distance,
WHEN (latitude >= 47.4984056 AND longitude >= 19.0407578) THEN 45.0
WHEN (latitude < 47.4984056 AND longitude >= 19.0407578) THEN 135.0
WHEN (l开发者_如何学JAVAatitude < 47.4984056 AND longitude < 19.0407578) THEN 225.0
WHEN (latitude >= 47.4984056 AND longitude < 19.0407578) THEN 315.0
END AS bearing
INNER JOIN "interests" ON "interests"."user_id" = "users"."id"
(latitude BETWEEN 47.38664309234778 AND 47.610168107652214
AND longitude BETWEEN 18.875333386667762 AND 19.20618221333224
AND != 3)
AND ( NOT IN (3))
AND (interests.language_id IN (1,1))
GROUP BY,,users.created_at,users.updated_at,users.location,
(111.19492664455873 * ABS(latitude - 47.4984056) * 0.7071067811865475) +
(96.29763124613503 * ABS(longitude - 19.0407578) * 0.7071067811865475)
The result it returns is correct, except it replaces the id of the user with the id of the interest. What am I missing here?
Thanks for the help!
I narrowed the problem down to the geocoded gem.
This works perfectly:
User.where([" NOT IN (?)", blocked_ids]).joins(:interests)
.where("interests.language_id IN (?)", interests
.collect{|interest| interest.language_id})
and returns:
[#<User id: 8,
name: "George Supertramp",
created_at: "2011-08-13 15:51:46",
updated_at: "2011-08-21 16:11:05",
location: "Budapest",
details: "{\"image\":\"",
hash_id: 1908133256,
facebook_id: nil,
blocked: nil,
locale: "de",
latitude: 47.4984056,
longitude: 19.0407578>]
but when I add .near([latitude, longitude], 20, :units => :km) it returns
[#<User id: 5,
name: "George Supertramp",
created_at: "2011-08-13 15:52:53",
updated_at: "2011-08-13 15:52:53",
location: "Budapest",
details: "{\"image\":\"",
hash_id: 1908133256,
facebook_id: nil,
blocked: nil,
locale: "de",
latitude: 47.4984056,
longitude: 19.0407578>]
because if somehow merges with the interest result:
[#<Interest id: 5,
user_id: 8,
language_id: 1,
classification: 1,
created_at: "2011-08-13 15:52:53",
updated_at: "2011-08-13 15:52:53">]
It seems the problem is with the grouping. How can I circumvent it without forking the gem.
I've solved the problem temporarily by using include instead of join. It is a stupid solution and it works on small sets of data while aggressively cached.
Here is the code:
User.where([" NOT IN (?)", blocked_ids]).includes(:interests).near([latitude, longitude], 20, :units => :km).select{|user| user if ([user.interests.find_by_classification(1).language_id, user.interests.find_by_classification(2).language_id] - [self.interests.find_by_classification(1).language_id, self.interests.find_by_classification(2).language_id]).size < 2 }
I think you join table has an id field which is causing the issue.