
get XHTML map area coords using PHP

I am having trouble getting the attributes from within an Area Map example below

  <area shape="poly" class="areaSelect" coords="475,241,495,220,515,215,531,226,534,262,530,290,493,307,472,287" href="http://www.someURL" title="Area Title" alt="Link Title"/>

I have been using simple_html开发者_StackOverflow_dom.php to retrieve other elements from the page. Any help would be greatly appreciated. As I have been going around and around on this I did try using Xpath and loading the XHTML file but when I tried to get the coords I only got 42 cases of "DOMAttr Object ()" there is 42 areas on the map but...... help!

Ok I'll try and give as much details as I can for anyone else who wants to do something similar.

Here is a quick example file.

  <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"      "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
  <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
  <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
  <title>Untitled Document</title>
   body{font:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;}
 <div class="title" style="font-size: 14px; color: #009"><h2>Get any information</h2>     </div>
 <div id="image-holder">
<img src="http://mrg.bz/sb3gG9" alt="microchips" width="496px" height="343px" border="0" usemap="#MicroChips"/>
<map name="MicroChips" id="MicroChips2">
    <area class="areaSelect" shape="poly" coords="46,91,157,43,217,106,101,159" href="http://www.someplace.com" title="Main Chip" alt="Main Chip" />
<div id="body" style="width:496px">
    <p>This is to demonstrate how to get as much out of a file as possible. Well a least some of it anyway.</p>
    <p>Here is another paragraph to show how to get multiple items</p>

Ok now here is the php. You will need to download 'PHP Simple HTML DOM Parser' and load it onto your test server. so that you can access the additional functions.

    include('simple_html_dom.php'); //Load/include the PHP Simple HTML DOM Parser

    $html = file_get_html('http://www.YourServer.com/test.html'); // Load your html file

    // create a series of variables to call on later

    $imgtitle = $html->find('div.title', 0)->plaintext; //here we reference the HTML file, and find the div with the class "title" and display it as plaintext

   // ok for some reason and hopefully someone out there can add why
   // I had to reference the fist instance of each element here 
   // referenced as the ',0' in each case. 

   // here you can see we search for the div 'image-holder'
   // and then search in that div for the first image and save it to a variable

    $imageurl =  $html->find('#image-holder',0)->find('img',0); 

   // here we target the image scr, width, height, style, alt, border and usemap and assign them to variables

    $imagesrc = $imageurl->src;
    $imageWidth = $imageurl->width;
    $imageHeight = $imageurl->height;
    $imageStyle = $imageurl->style;
    $imageAlt = $imageurl->alt;
    $imageBrd = $imageurl->border;
    $imageUsemap = $imageurl->usemap;

    $map = $html->find('map',0); // here we look for the map and assign it to a variable

    // here we target the map ID and Name and usemap and assign them to variables

$mapID = $map->id;
$mapName = $map->name;

    // we assigned a class to the map areas to find them easier
    $imgmaparea = $html->find('.areaSelect');

    // ok although the example only has one map area this will find multiple
    // areas and print them on the screen using the 'foreach' function 
    foreach ($imgmaparea as $value){
     $areaShape = $value->shape;
     $areaCoords = $value->coords;
     $areaHref = $value->href;
     $areaTitle = $value->title;
     $areaAlt = $value->alt;
      // print them on the screen
         echo 'Shape: '.$areaShape. '<br>';
     echo 'Coords: '.$areaCoords. '<br>';
         echo 'Href: '.$areaHref. '<br>';
         echo 'Title: '.$areaTitle. '<br>';
         echo 'Alt: '.$areaAlt. '<br>';

         // print them on the screen
         echo 'name: '.$mapName. '<br>';
         echo 'Id: '.$mapID. '<br>';
         echo 'filename: '.$filename. '<br>';
         echo 'Src: '.$imagesrc. '<br>';
         echo 'Width: '.$imageWidth. '<br>';
         echo 'Height: '.$imageHeight. '<br>';
         echo 'Style: '.$imageStyle. '<br>';
         echo 'Alt: '.$imageAlt. '<br>';
         echo 'Usemap: '.$imageUsemap. '<br>';


I have tried to explain thoroughly but if anyone has any further questions or suggestions I would be happy to here them





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