
Integrating BlogEngine with MVC 3 Razor

I know it is possible to integrate traditional ASP .NET into an MVC application as I have done the same when I've needed to use Microsoft Report Viewer.

I've been looking for a decent engine but I don't want to risk using any fledgling ones when more established ones already exist (unless anyon开发者_开发技巧e knows any really solid MVC 3 Razor blogging engines).

I was just wondering if anyone has tried to integrate it with MVC before and and how well it had come off, I don't wan't to dive in and spend days on it if it's going to be a mistake to begin with.

From what I have seen, Orchard has a good Blogging Engine and is well supported. I have only used it as a complete CMS solution though and not tried to separate out the Blogging engine from it, but I am sure it would be possible.





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