
jQuery keyword cannot recognize error [closed]

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I am using jQuery 1.6.1 and want to use JqGrid (a grid table plugin for JQuery). However when I use it, I get the following error in Firebug:

jQuery("#confTable").jqGrid is not a function

I changed it to this:

$("#confTable").jqGrid is not a function

I tried using jQuery.noConflict(); before jqGrid code but still get the same error?

Any ideas?

This indicates that you have not loaded the plugin script (at least at the time you try to use it).

One of two things:

  1. Quentin sounds right. It might not be loaded, check the path and filename are correct (caps is important (usuaLlY))

  2. noConflict() is a bugger to use. It's only neccessary if you have 2 javascript libraries, like jquery and mootools. You have to use it after both libraries are loaded but before (most) plugins. This is because many plugin writters are lazy and use $ where they should use jQuery.

noConflict is a huge pain. I can only get it to work after an hour of tinkering, good luck.





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