
How can I remote control an SVN client from a different box

We have recently changed our developmen开发者_StackOverflow社区t infrastructure and where we previously had a single dev server with developer machines connecting directly to the repo on dev, we now have multiple dev servers that connect to the repo on our CIS.

Original setup:

Developer Machine (SVN Client) -> Dev Server [Repo]

New setup

Developer Machine (Mapped Dev folder) -> Dev Server n (SVN Client) -> CIS [Repo]

The problem we have created is that the only way to commit or update the working copy which is stored on one of the dev servers is via RDP. This works but is a little bit cumbersome.

Some local devs run tortoise fine on their dev boxes over the mapped drive but they are sat on the local network, however I am a remote dev and connect via VPN so this kind of operation is not even an option.

Does anyone know of an SVN remote? Has anyone else dealt with this kind of indirect working copy access?

You don't mention how you are accessing the repository, I'm guessing "directly connecting" means file: scheme.

Personally, I'd install Subversion Edge on your CIS repository server, configure it to point to your existing repositories, then relocate your developer working copies to the http(s) scheme supported by Subversion Edge.

This will make (AD) domain authentication (via LDAP) and encryption (HTTPS) relatively simple to implement should you wish to expose your repository externally, i.e. outside of your internal network.

We just went through this process for our company (30+ svn users) and it was a pleasant experience.





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