GWT: How to center element containing CellTable?
I'm trying to center an element that contains a CellTable
. The actual
centering logic works okay, but I'm having problems with all those
attaching/detaching events. Basically, I'm doing this in my container
public void onLoad() {
However, it seems that onLoad
on the container does not mean that all
children have loaded, so... the actual centering routine is called too
early and Element.getOffsetWidth
are both returning 0
This results in the container being displayed with the left upper corner
in the center of the screen.
Same thing happens if I use an AttachEvent.Handler
on the CellTable
So... is there any event on CellTable
, or on Widget
or whatever that
allows me to trigger an action when the DOM subtree has been attached to
the DOM?
Thanks in advance.
Take a look at scheduleDeferred. A deferred command is executed after the browser event loop returns.
Scheduler.get().scheduleDeferred(new ScheduledCommand() {
public void execute() {
Override onAttach
instead of onLoad
. onAttach
default implementation calls onLoad
followed by doAttachChildren
(which calls onAttach
on each child widget), so the following code should call center
after the children have been attached:
public void onAttach() {
(BTW, the default implementation of onLoad
is a no-op)