
Blogs to follow? [closed]

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Closed 12 years ago.

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What's your list of blogs for anything asp.net and vb.net related. I know for instance Scott Gu's stuff is the first on the rank for asp.net.

I'm trying to compile a list of 'good' stuff that will teach me things as I read, the more I gather the better, this way I'll get several posts a day, as most blogs post only once a week if that.

jsut to list some of my favs, scottgu & phill haack... although he talks too much about his baby!

You could find this list Top 200 Blogs for Developers (Q3 2009) useful

I follow around 50 different blogs covering a plethora of different development aspects - including C#, general development tips, and even Jeff Atwood's blog which is now more about Microsoft Bob than it is C#... ;)

You may want to look into using Google Reader or Bloglines to keep your blogs in check - you'll be notified of any new blog posts and you can easily track older ones also.

My personal favourites would be Scott Hanselman, Joel On Software, Ayende Rahien and ScottGu.

I like coding horror and scott hanselman

and for us Swedes: programmeramera





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