
change *.foo to *.bar in unix one-liner

I am trying to convert all files in a given directory with suffix ".foo" to files containing the same basename but with 开发者_如何学JAVAsuffix modified to ".bar". I am able to do this with a shell script and a for loop, but I want to write a one-liner that will achieve the same goal.


  Input: *.foo

  Output: *.bar

This is what I have tried:

find . -name "*.foo" | xargs -I {} mv {} `basename {} ".foo"`.bar

This is close but incorrect. Results:

  Input: *.foo

  Output: *.foo.bar

Any ideas on why the given suffix is not being recognized by basename? The quotes around ".foo" are dispensable and the results are the same if they are omitted.

Although basename can work on file extensions, using the shell parameter expansion features is easier:

for file in *.foo; do mv "$file" "${file%.foo}.bar"; done

Your code with basename doesn't work because the basename is only run once, and then xargs just sees {}.bar each time.

for file in *.foo ; do mv $file echo $file | sed 's/\(.*\.\)foo/\1bar/' ; done


$ ls
1.foo  2.foo
$ for file in *.foo ; do mv $file `echo $file | sed 's/\(.*\.\)foo/\1bar/'` ; done
$ ls
1.bar  2.bar

for x in $(find . -name "*.foo"); do mv $x ${x%%foo}bar; done

$ for f in *.foo; do echo mv $f ${f%foo}bar; done
mv a.foo a.bar
mv b.foo b.bar

Remove echo when ready.

If you have installed mmv, you can do

mmv \*.foo \#1.bar


Why don't you use "rename" instead of scripts or loops.

RHEL: rename foo bar .*foo

Debian: rename 's/foo/bar/' *.foo





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