
Continuous speech recognition while singing?

As part of my application I'm looking to add speech recognition, but not really in the traditional sense. I have a bunch of lyrics (divided into verses) that are sung by someone, and the idea is to find what verse is currently being sung so it can be displayed on screen.

I've played around with sphinx and got some basic examples set up and working, but while there 开发者_如何学Goseems to be plenty of documentation around on registering spoken text where you can wait for a delay then process the result, I can't find much on the idea of recognising sentences continuously. This is of course before I get to the part where the words are being sung and not spoken!

Has anyone got any experience with this, and if so is there anywhere that would provide a good starting point? Or is what I'm trying to achieve way too ambitious with sphinx and is it never really going to work properly? I'm open to looking at other libraries but they must be free, and sphinx was the most widely talked about one I could dig up.

It's perfectly possible to recognize speech as soon as it's pronounced with a little delay. Moreover if you more or less understand what do you expect to get. This is called "partial result" and is available in all CMUSphinx decoders through API. Basically you can retrieve hypothesis in process.

There is a little issue to consider on how to stabilize this result (how to extract the stable part of it) but this technique is called backtracking and could be easily implemented

For singing, given the music can be filtered out it's also doable.





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