Efficient algorithm to determine if an alleged binary tree contains a cycle?
One of my favorite interview questions is
In O(n) time and O(1) space, determine whether a linked list contains a cycle.
This can be done using Floyd's cycle-finding algorithm.
My question is whether it's possible to get such good time and space guarantees when trying to detect whether a binary tree contains a cycle. That is, if someone gives you a struct
definition along the lines of
struct node {
node* left;
node* right;
How efficiently can you verify that the given structure is indeed a binary tree and not, say, a DAG or a graph containing a cycle?
Is there an algorithm that, given the root of a binary tree, can determine whethe开发者_如何转开发r that tree contains a cycle in O(n) time and better than O(n) space? Clearly this could be done with a standard DFS or BFS, but this requires O(n) space. Can it be done in O(√n) space? O(log n) space? Or (the holy grail) in just O(1) space? I'm curious because in the case of a linked list this can be done in O(1) space, but I've never seen a correspondingly efficient algorithm for this case.
You can't even visit each node of a real, honest-to-god, cycle-free tree in O(1) space, so what you are asking for is clearly impossible. (Tricks with modifying a tree along the way are not O(1) space).
If you are willing to consider stack-based algorithms, then a regular tree walk can be easily modified along the lines of Floyd's algorithm.
it is possible to test in logarithmic space if two vertices of a graph belong to the same connected component (Reingold, Omer (2008), "Undirected connectivity in log-space", Journal of the ACM 55 (4): Article 17, 24 pages, doi:10.1145/1391289.1391291). A connected component is cyclic; hence if you can find two vertices in a graph that belong to the same connected component there is a cycle in the graph. Reingold published the algorithm 26 years after the question of its existence was first posed (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Connected_component_%28graph_theory%29). Having an O(1) space algorithm sounds unlikely given that it took 25 years to find a log-space solution. Note that picking two vertices from a graph and asking if they belong to a cycle is equivalent to asking if they belong to a connected component.
This algorithm can be extended to a log-space solution for graphs with out-degree 2 (OP: "trees"), as it is enough to check for every pair of a node and one of its immediate siblings if they belong to the same connect component, and these pairs can be enumerated in O(log n) space using standard recursive tree descent.
If you assume that the cycle points to a node at the same depth or smaller depth in the "tree", then you can do a BFS (iterative version) with two stacks, one for the turtle (x1) and one for the hare (x2 speed). At some point, the Hare's stack will be either empty (no cycle), or be a subset of the turtle's stack (a cycle was found). The time required is O(n k), and the space is O(lg n) where n is the number of used nodes, and k the time required to check the subset condition which can be upper bounded by lg(n). Note that the initial assumption about the cycle does not constraints the original problem, since it is assumed to be a tree but for a finite number of arcs that form a cycle with previous nodes; a link to a deeper node in the tree will not form a cycle but destroy the tree structure.
If it can be further assumed that the cycle points to an ancestor, then, the subset condition can be changed by checking that both stacks are equal, which is faster.
Visited Aware
You would need to redefine the structure as such (I am going to leave pointers out of this):
class node {
node left;
node right;
bool visited = false;
And use the following recursive algorithm (obviously re-working it to use a custom stack if your tree could grow big enough):
bool validate(node value)
if (value.visited)
return (value.visited = false);
value.visited = true;
if (value.left != null && !validate(value.left))
return (value.visited = false);
if (value.right != null && !validate(value.right))
return (value.visited = false);
value.visited = false;
return true;
Comments: It does technically have O(n) space; because of the extra field in the struct. The worst case for it would also be O(n+1) if all the values are on a single side of the tree and every value is in the cycle.
Depth Aware
When inserting into the tree you could keep track of the maximum depth:
struct node {
node left;
node right;
global int maximumDepth = 0;
void insert(node item) { insert(root, item, 1); }
void insert(node parent, node item, int depth)
if (depth > maximumDepth)
maximumDepth = depth;
// Do your insertion magic, ensuring to pass in depth + 1 to any other insert() calls.
bool validate(node value, int depth)
if (depth > maximumDepth)
return false;
if (value.left != null && !validate(value.left, depth + 1))
return false;
if (value.right != null && !validate(value.right, depth + 1))
return false;
return true;
Comments: The storage space is O(n+1) because we are storing the depth on the stack (as well as the maximum depth); the time is still O(n+1). This would do better on invalid trees.
Managed to get it right!
- Runtime: O(n). I suspect it goes through an edge at most a constant number of times. No formal proof.
- Space: O(1). Only stores a few nodes. Does not create new nodes or edges, only rearranges them.
- Destructive: Yes. It flattens the tree, every node has the inorder successor as its right child, and null as the left.
The algorithm tries to flatten the binary tree by moving the whole left subtree of the current node to above it, making it the rightmost node of the subtree, then updating the current node to find further left subtrees in the newly discovered nodes. If we know both the left child and the predecessor of the current node, we can move the entire subtree in a few operations, in a similar manner to inserting a list into another. Such a move preserves the in-order sequence of the tree and it invariably makes the tree more right slanted.
There are three cases depending on the local configuration of nodes around the current one: left child is the same as the predecessor, left child is different from the predecessor, or no left subtree. The first case is trivial. The second case requires finding the predecessor, the third case requires finding a node on the right with a left subtree. Graphical representation helps in understanding them.
In the latter two cases we can run into cycles. Since we only traverse a list of the right childs, we can use Floyd's cycle detection algorithm to find and report loops. Sooner or later every cycle will be rotated into such a form.
#include <cstdio>
#include <iostream>
#include <queue>
#define null NULL
#define int32 int
using namespace std;
* Binary tree node class
template <class T>
class Node
/* Public Attributes */
Node* left;
Node* right;
T value;
* This exception is thrown when the flattener & cycle detector algorithm encounters a cycle
class CycleException
/* Public Constructors */
CycleException () {}
virtual ~CycleException () {}
* Biny tree flattener and cycle detector class.
template <class T>
class Flattener
/* Public Constructors */
Flattener () :
root (null),
parent (null),
current (null),
top (null),
bottom (null),
turtle (null),
virtual ~Flattener () {}
/* Public Methods */
* This function flattens an alleged binary tree, throwing a new CycleException when encountering a cycle. Returns the root of the flattened tree.
Node<T>* flatten (Node<T>* pRoot)
// Loop while there are left subtrees to process
while( findNodeWithLeftSubtree() ){
// We need to find the topmost and rightmost node of the subtree
// Move the entire subtree above the current node
// There are no more left subtrees to process, we are finished, the tree does not contain cycles
return root;
/* Protected Methods */
void init (Node<T>* pRoot)
// Keep track of the root node so the tree is not lost
root = pRoot;
// Keep track of the parent of the current node since it is needed for insertions
parent = null;
// Keep track of the current node, obviously it is needed
current = root;
bool findNodeWithLeftSubtree ()
// Find a node with a left subtree using Floyd's cycle detection algorithm
turtle = parent;
while( current->left == null and current->right != null ){
if( current == turtle ){
throw new CycleException();
parent = current;
current = current->right;
if( current->right != null ){
parent = current;
current = current->right;
if( turtle != null ){
turtle = turtle->right;
turtle = root;
return current->left != null;
void findSubtree ()
// Find the topmost node
top = current->left;
// The topmost and rightmost nodes are the same
if( top->right == null ){
bottom = top;
// The rightmost node is buried in the right subtree of topmost node. Find it using Floyd's cycle detection algorithm applied to right childs.
bottom = top->right;
turtle = top;
while( bottom->right != null ){
if( bottom == turtle ){
throw new CycleException();
bottom = bottom->right;
if( bottom->right != null ){
bottom = bottom->right;
turtle = turtle->right;
void moveSubtree ()
// Update root; if the current node is the root then the top is the new root
if( root == current ){
root = top;
// Add subtree below parent
if( parent != null ){
parent->right = top;
// Add current below subtree
bottom->right = current;
// Remove subtree from current
current->left = null;
// Update current; step up to process the top
current = top;
Node<T>* root;
Node<T>* parent;
Node<T>* current;
Node<T>* top;
Node<T>* bottom;
Node<T>* turtle;
Flattener (Flattener&);
Flattener& operator = (Flattener&);
template <class T>
void traverseFlat (Node<T>* current)
while( current != null ){
cout << dec << current->value << " @ 0x" << hex << reinterpret_cast<int32>(current) << endl;
current = current->right;
template <class T>
Node<T>* makeCompleteBinaryTree (int32 maxNodes)
Node<T>* root = new Node<T>();
queue<Node<T>*> q;
int32 nodes = 1;
while( nodes < maxNodes ){
Node<T>* node = q.front();
node->left = new Node<T>();
if( nodes < maxNodes ){
node->right = new Node<T>();
return root;
template <class T>
void inorderLabel (Node<T>* root)
int32 label = 0;
inorderLabel(root, label);
template <class T>
void inorderLabel (Node<T>* root, int32& label)
if( root == null ){
inorderLabel(root->left, label);
root->value = label++;
inorderLabel(root->right, label);
int32 main (int32 argc, char* argv[])
typedef Node<int32> Node;
// Make binary tree and label it in-order
Node* root = makeCompleteBinaryTree<int32>(1 << 24);
// Try to flatten it
Flattener<int32> F;
root = F.flatten(root);
cout << "Oh noes, cycle detected!" << endl;
return 0;
// Traverse its flattened form
// traverseFlat(root);
As said by Karl by definition a "Tree" is free of cycles. But still i get the spirit in which the question is asked. Why do you need fancy algorithms for detecting cycle in any graph. You can simply run a BFS or DFS and if you visit a node which is visited already it implies a cycle. This will run in O(n) time but the space complexity is also O(n), dont know if this can be reduced.
As mentioned by ChingPing, a simple DFS should do the trick. You would need to mark each node as visited(need to do some mapping from Reference of Node to Integer) and if an reentry is attempted on an already visited Node, that means there is a cycle.
This is O(n) in memory though.
At first glance you can see that this problem would be solved by a non-deterministic application of Floyd's algorithm. So what happens if we apply Floyd's in a split-and-branch way?
Well we can use Floyd's from the base node, and then add an additional Floyd's at each branch. So for each terminal path we have an instance of Floyd's algorithm which ends there. And if a cycle ever arises, there is a turtle which MUST have a corresponding hare chasing it. So the algorithm finishes. (and as a side effect, each terminal node is only reached by one hare/turtle pair so there are O(n) visits and thus O(n) time. (store the nodes which have been branched from, this doesn't increase the order of magnitude of memory and prevents memory blowouts in the case of cycles) Furthermore, doing this ensures the memory footprint is the same as the number of terminal nodes. The number of terminal nodes is O(log n) but O(n) in worst case.
TL;DR: apply Floyd's and branch at each time you have a choice to make:
time: O(n)
space: O(log n)
I don't believe there exists an algorithm for walking a tree with less than O(N) space. And, for a (purported) binary tree, it takes no more space/time (in "order" terms) to detect cycles than it does to walk the tree. I believe that DFS will walk a tree in O(N) time, so probably O(N) is the limit in both measures.
Okay after further thought I believe I found a way, provided you
- know the number of nodes in advance
- can make modifications to the binary tree
The basic idea is to traverse the tree with Morris inorder tree traversal, and count the number of visited nodes, both in the visiting phase and individual predecessor finding phases. If any of these exceeds the number of nodes, you definitely have a cycle. If you don't have a cycle, then it is equivalent to the plain Morris traversal, and your binary tree will be restored.
I'm not sure if it is possible without knowing the number of nodes in advance though. Will think about it more.