curl on AppleScript
This is my script but I'm having problem on getting the response from the URL.
if newChromeValue contains "http://" then
set URLChromerequest to "curl --url" & myBodyEnc & "&url=" & ¬
newChromeValue & ¬
"&title=" & ¬
pgTitlEnc & ¬
"&keywords=" & ¬
mykeywordEnc & ¬
"&description=" & ¬
myDescriptionEnc & ¬
set URLChromerequest to "curl --url" & myBodyEnc & "&url=http://" & ¬
newChromeValue & ¬
"&title=" & ¬
pgTitlEnc & ¬
"&keywords=" & ¬
mykeywordEnc & ¬
开发者_如何学运维 "&description=" & ¬
myDescriptionEnc & ¬
end if
set URLChromeResponse to do shell script URLChromerequest
return URLChromeResponse
When I run this script , it shows that only the first parameter is sent over the server which is 'body'. The others seems to be missing...
however, if I return the 'URLChromerequest' I can see that the URL is form accordingly and if I paste it to the web browser, it works perfectly..
WHat might be the problem?
It might help to quote the url using quoted form of
if newChromeValue does not start with "http://" then
set newChromeValue to "http://" & newChromeValue
set URLChromerequest to "curl --url " & quoted form of ¬
("" & myBodyEnc & ¬
"&url=" & newChromeValue & ¬
"&title=" & pgTitlEnc & ¬
"&keywords=" & mykeywordEnc & ¬
"&description=" & myDescriptionEnc & ¬
"&type=body" & ¬
set URLChromeResponse to do shell script URLChromerequest
Dont' know for sure though, but it would seem that the url is being split by the shell