problem with conversion of JSOn string to Mongo document
I am trying to convert a JSOn string into a Mongo document and there is not much help availabel online.
the only helpful thing that I found was:
1: 2:
MongoDB.Bson.BsonDocument doc4=MongoDB.Bson.Serialization .BsonSerializer.Deserialize(genericjson);
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as described in the post @
Convert string into MongoDB BsonDocument
It creates the document in the databse but it's not the simulation of what it is here in C#. When I click on the nodes they don't show me the data inside. this is what Mongo does when the conversion has corrupted the file.
is 开发者_如何学Cthere any other way to solve it?
Try the BsonDocument.Parse() method, e.g.
var bsonDoc = BsonDocument.Parse(jsonString);