
Migrate ASP from root to subdirectory

I'm in the process of converting an existing ASP website into PHP while retaining the ASP website as an older version. Since I'm not an ASP developer, I thought it would be simple as moving the contents of the root directory into its own directory that I've labeled as v1.0 so that the ASP version can be viewed by going to www.mysite.com/v1.0 while the new PHP version (v2.0) can be viewed by going to www.mysite.com

Herein lies the problem. Doing this causes flags all kinds of errors (all related to "Server Error in '/' Application. Runtime errors"). The best I can figure out is that the web.config file needs to be tweaked in the v2.0 directory. Can any of you ASP experts recommend a simple solution to make this happen? I would like to have an empty root directory if possible since the new v2.0 version will be in all PHP and want to "se开发者_高级运维lf contain" the ASP version within the v1.0 directory as much as possible.


After a bit of wrangling, finally figured out that I needed to set up v1.0 as its own application under the IIS control panel. Once that was done, then all the contents of the root directory could be moved over to the v1.0 sub-directory and viewed via www.mysite.com/v1.0 -- thanks to Sean! for his help!

Most Classic ASP pages use Server Side Includes, if the site is using a SSI such as:
<!-- #include virtual = "include-file.inc" -->
, then you will need to change all of these to be
<!-- #include virtual = "v1.0/include-file.inc" -->.

I assume that you are using IIS 7 or IIS 7.5, since you are not seeing the actual error, you will need to modify your web.config file.

        <asp scriptErrorSentToBrowser="true" />
        <httpErrors errorMode="Detailed">



Update Since it now sounds like you are using ASP.NET, you would need to change your web.config as below to see the full error:

        <customErrors mode="Off" />




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