
Hide Crystal Report Header

In my Crystal R开发者_如何学运维eport have a Page Header(section Page Header "a" and Page Header "b") and Groupe Header #1 and #2

My problem is, I want to hide Page Header "a" when Group #2 have more records, I want to print records next page without Page Header "a".

This could be tricky business depending on which version of Crystal you are using, because you are asking the reporting engine to report on a count of a grouped records that could potentially span across multiple pages. Without knowing much else about your system, the following might work.

Implement two running total fields that count records returned, one for Group #1 and the other for Group#2. Each running total should count records returned in each group, resetting on a of group. Then you would put the following in your suppression formula for Page Header a:

// The following line will suppress the header when
// Group2RecordCount is greater than Group1RecordCount

{#Group2RecordCount} > {#Group1RecordCount};




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