
Jquery intersect selector

I'm sure the answer exists on SO somewhere, but I'm at a loss for what terminology to search for. So apologies if this is a duplicate.

Is there an easy way in jQuery/JS of selecting the elements that "intersect" from the following HTML?

<div id="first">
  <div id="source-AAA"/>
  <div id="source-CCC"/>
  <div id="source-EEE"/>
  <div id="source-FFF"/>
<div id="second">
  <div id="BBB"/>
  <div id="CCC"/>
  <div id="DDD"/>
  <div id="FFF"/>

i.e. getting hold of the elements #CCC and #FFF from div#second, based on the fact that these two IDs are in #first?

I guess the proper answer is to do the intersect开发者_如何学C on the server-side (which is possible, but painful, as the two data sets come from different components), but I thought I'd check in case anyone knows of a neat way to do it in jQuery?

You'll first have to collect all those IDs, and then build up a CSS selector string accordingly:

var divsToSelect = [];

$('#first div').each(function(){
    divsToSelect.push( $(this).attr('id').substr(-3) );

$('#' + divsToSelect.join(',#'));


You could use filter -

$("#second div").filter(function() {
    return $("#first > div[id$=" + this.id + "]").length > 0

Demo - http://jsfiddle.net/b9NZR/

Why not clientside?

    $('div#first > div').each(function(){
      var fv = $(this).attr('id');
      $('div#second > div').each(function(){
         var sv = $('div').attr('id');
         if (fv.indexOf(sv) > -1){
            // do something

Of course am no expert but something along the line.





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