MySql Get voters who voted the same
I have 4 tables:
record_id first_name last_name
1 John Smith
2 Jim Brown
3 Jane Goodall
record_id poll_question
1 What is your age?
2 What is your occupation?
Poll Options
record_id poll_id option_text
1 1 16-20
2 1 21-25
3 2 builder
4 2 technician
Poll Votes
record_id user_id poll_id option_id
1 1 1 1
2 1 2 1
3 2 1 2
4 2 2 1
Given a specified user, how do I get all OTHER users who selected the same options for the polls answered by the specified user.
Ideally, it would provide a descending list of users according to how many questions were answered the same, i.e. users who voted all exactly the same would be at the top,开发者_C百科 down to users with no answers in common.
SELECT u.first_name, u.last_name, v.Answers
FROM Users AS u
SELECT pv.user_id AS user, COUNT(*) AS Answers
FROM PollVotes AS pv
WHERE ((poll_id, option_id) IN
SELECT poll_id, option_id
FROM PollVotes
AND pv.user_id != YOURUSER
GROUP BY pv.user_id
) AS v
ON u.record_id = v.user
WHERE u.record_id != YOURUSER
The inner query selects all users with the same (poll_id, option_id)
combination as the selected user. The rowcount per user is the number of common answers. The left join with the user table is to include users with no common answers in the result.
Here's another approach:
SELECT u1.record_id, u1.first_name, u1.last_name, u2.record_id comp_record_id, u2.first_name comp_first_name, u2.last_name comp_last_name, u1.options FROM (
SELECT u.record_id, u.first_name, u.last_name, GROUP_CONCAT(pv.poll_id,'.', pv.option_id ORDER BY pv.poll_id, pv.option_id) options
FROM users u
INNER JOIN poll_votes pv ON pv.user_id = u.record_id
GROUP BY u.record_id
) u1
SELECT u.record_id, u.first_name, u.last_name, GROUP_CONCAT(pv.poll_id,'.', pv.option_id ORDER BY pv.poll_id, pv.option_id) options
FROM users u
INNER JOIN poll_votes pv ON pv.user_id = u.record_id
GROUP BY u.record_id
) u2 ON u1.options = u2.options AND u1.record_id <> u2.record_id
WHERE u1.record_id = 1;
The two inner queries are identical, and could actually be turned into a view. The outer query simply joins the two on the question / answer lists to get the matches.