
How can I compare a file with previous revision after moving the file to another folder and renaming it using svn?

I have a file in Rev 123, I move the file to another folder and do a commit. Now I rename the page an do another commit. Subversion seems to forget about the file, and I can only diff back to when I moved the file to another folder and renamed it.

I h开发者_开发知识库ave to rename it, because the old name is terrible.

If you're using TortoiseSVN, uncheck the "Stop on copy/rename" checkbox in the log window.

If you're using the svn command I don't see this behavior.

If you're using some other SVN client, there must be some equivalent of the STop on copy/rename" option somewhere.

Just go to the new directory (where you moved it) and diff it as usually:

cd .../targetdir
svn -r124:123 theFileName.txt

Alternatively, you can use url to the target directory:

svn -r124:123 http://example.com/svn/repo/trunk/targetdir/theFileName.txt




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