
I'm getting a NullReferenceException (VB.Net) and don't see where it could be coming from (dev with 15+ years of experience perhaps having a 'moment')

None of the parameters are empty/null/nothing

auditAuthSuccess(UserName, olaHelper.batchID, olaHelper.authenticatedStudentIDSite)  '<-- I put a break on this line

Code execution halts there and I have no indications of an exception in my output window.

The signature for the auditAuthSuccess method is:

Public Shared Sub auditAuthSuccess(ByVal managementUserName As String, ByVal batchID As String, ByVal studentID As String)
        fooBar() '<-- I put a break here also and code halts as expected, but there's a NullReferenceException in the output window now
End Sub

When code is halted on the line calling fooBar(), the Call Stack shows:

OLAWeb.DLL!Comptek.OLA.olaHelper.auditAuthSuccess(String managementUserName, String batchID, String studentID) Line 467 Basic

OLAWeb.DLL!Comptek.OLA.frmLogin.FinishLogin(System.Web.UI.WebControls.AuthenticateEventArg开发者_高级运维s e, String UserName, String Password, String RedirectAddress, String strRoles) Line 234 + 0xc5 bytes Basic

No unmanaged code, no other methods, etc.. So were in the world is the NullReferenceException coming from?

http://pastebin.com/YDnVJBYf (code also here)

Perhaps you can try to switch on the Visual Studio runtime exception info: Visual Studio > Debug > Exeptions > Common Language Runtime Exceptions > Thrown = YES.

I'm getting a NullReferenceException (VB.Net) and don't see where it could be coming from (dev with 15+ years of experience perhaps having a 'moment')






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