PowerShell: Restart Service By Executable Name
I impl开发者_StackOverflow中文版emented my first PowerShell script, that does some setup, sets registry keys and at then end needs to restart services. The problem is that I have only have name of the executable, but not service name. Restart-Service can work only with name of the service. Googling (well Binging also) around didn't give me much result.
I was wondering whether there is a way to restart service by executable name?
I know that I can get process by executable name, but just killing the process and starting it again is NOT good choice, since service Start/Stop functions are not called and it may not work properly.
You can try using wmi and do something like this:
(gwmi win32_service | ?{$_.pathname -match "\\executable.exe "}) | Restart-Service
Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Service -Filter "PathName LIKE '%PartOfTheName%'" -ComputerName PC1 | Foreach-Object{
You can do this using WMI:
$process = Get-Process sqlservr| select -ExpandProperty Id
Get-WmiObject win32_Service|
where {$process -contains $_.ProcessId}|
foreach {Restart-Service $_.Name}
Edit: Changed script to restart service, not just stop it.
#set by logic to determine if the service will restart or not
#can be found using the name column of Get-services cmdlet
$serviceName="Set name of the service"
$service =Get-Service | where{ $_.Name -eq $serviceName}
Write-output "The service $ServiceName will is being stopped"
Stop-Service $service
Start-Sleep -s 2
Write-Output "The service $ServiceName will is being started"
Start-Service $service
Start-Sleep -s 2