
Select latest record if column has 2 of the same

I have table

**id name status date**

1 john 2 01.01.2010
2 mike 5 04.01.2010
3 john 2 06.01.2010
4 sam  1 08.01.2010

john has status 2 twice and i need to select john,mike from this table where status = 2 but i need to show latest record. I cannot use orde开发者_JAVA百科r by i use it already for something else.

You can use order by for multiple criteria like this:

ORDER BY date desc, status desc

You need to use a correlated subquery such as this:

select * 
from table t1
where t1.date = ( select max( t2.date )
                  from table t2
                  where t1.name = t2.name
                  and t1.status = t2.status )

The query would go much faster if you didn't need the ID field:

SELECT t.name, t.status, max(t.date) date
FROM table t
GROUP BY t.name, t.status
ORDER BY [whatever]

If you DID need id, AND the ID is guarenteed to be larger on the record with the newer date, you could just add max(t.id) id to the field list.

FROM table t
WHERE status = 2
AND date = (SELECT MAX(date) FROM table tmp WHERE tmp.name = t.name GROUP BY name)




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