Style Input time CSS
I a开发者_StackOverflow中文版m trying to create a box like below picture.
This box will use for time and other two-digit numbers.I putted my code here
I have some problems and questions:- Boxes in picture seems have two-color borders. outside is a color (color="#706f6f") and inside like shadow . with what technique I can create this inside border? Is this CSS3 effect ?
- I think my code style classification is not good.would you please help me to make it better?
- I don't know where should I put colons(:) between days hours mins and secs ?
- Last question is where is better to putt texts under boxes ? (DAYS , HOURS , MINS , SECS) Is it better to put them in separate Div container ?
See this demo fiddle.
- You can add an inset shadow with CSS, but that is all. Like the already given answers and comments say, you might want to consider using a background image.
- There is nothing wrong with your syntax, but it indeed could need a little refresh ;)
- You always have to write your markup like there is no style sheet. So the colons are placed between the labels and the corresponding digits.
- See 3.
The markup now shows like:
<div id="digits">
<p>Days<span class="colon">: </span><span class="digits">10</span></p>
<p>Hours<span class="colon">: </span><span class="digits">00</span></p>
<p>Mins<span class="colon">: </span><span class="digits">00</span></p>
<p>Secs<span class="colon last">: </span><span class="digits">00</span></p>
You could narrow it down to this:
<div id="digits">
<p>Days<span>: </span><span>10</span></p>
<p>Hours<span>: </span><span>00</span></p>
<p>Mins<span>: </span><span>00</span></p>
<p>Secs<span class="last">: </span><span>00</span></p>
Tweak it a bit further as you like.
use this img as background for your divs:
then place black text on it in a condensed font. add a border to the divs, like in the images and give the wrapper a matching background color.
I would create the numbers as an image sprite with the inner shadows that could be split left and right:
Then I would build a png overlay with transparent cutouts to mask the number images.