
Using Netbeans to configure context-root for JBoss

I have a Spring application that is being deployed to JBoss 4.2. I can manually edit the generated WAR file and alter the jboss-web.xml file to set the c开发者_开发问答ontext-root value and that works perfectly well. I would like to be able to do the samething via netbeans (6.9.1), but I have been unable to locate where to make the adjustment. I've tried tweaking the project's properties and setting the Context Path value. When I Run the application that value is reset to the Project's name. I've located the jboss-web.xml file in the project and changed it there, also reset upon run. So it appears that Netbeans is deciding that the value need to be set but I can't locate where. If it's of any use, the project also uses Maven2, but all the controls I can find for impacting context-root are geared towards EAR files instead of WAR.

Has anyone been able to do this or am I just in a world of making the change post build?

I had a similar problem once where netbeans was sometimes removing the context-root element from the glassfish-web.xml configuration. I have not been able to track it down exactly but you could try to remove the file nb-configuration.xml in the project root folder and see if that helps.





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