Test RESTful JSON Grails Webservice
I want to test my secured webservice to the following:
- UrlMapping correct, so are the following services available or not?
- Test GET/POST/PUT/DELETE and their rendered feedback as well as errors
- Test error messages when logged in and not logged in
Can somebody give me some hints how to do this? I have no clue how accessing the grails security service and as well running tests against my controllers when logged in and when not. As well I need some Mock Server or something to test against my controllers or?
Sorry I am very new to this topic but I want to go in the right direction before loosing control over my webservi开发者_如何学JAVAces.
Thank you for your help!
We use the REST Client plugin along with the functional testing plugin to test all our web services.
For example...
void testCreateTag() {
def name = 'Test Name'
def jsonText = """
post('/api/tag') {
headers['x-user-external-id'] = securityUser.externalId
headers['x-user-api-key'] = securityUser.apiKey
headers['Content-type'] = 'application/json'
body {
def model = this.response.contentAsString
def map = JSON.parse(model)
Tag.withNewSession {
def tag = Tag.get(map.attributes.id)
assertEquals(name, tag.name)
I have similar code which uses the built in (groovy 1.8) JsonSlurper which I think might be more reliable and only needs the functional test plugin but not the REST Client plugin.
String baseUrlString = 'http://localhost:8080/**YOURAPP**'
baseURL = baseUrlString
assertStatus 200
assertContentDoesNotContain('Access Denied')
get("/*your test URL*/")
def jsonObj = new JsonSlurper().parseText(this.response.contentAsString)
assertEquals(jsonObj.your.object.model, **yourContent**)