PostgreSQL: NOT IN versus EXCEPT performance difference (edited #2)
I have two queries that are functionally identical. One of them performs very well, the other one performs very poorly. I do not see from where the performance difference arises.
Query #1:
FROM subsource_position
id NOT IN (SELECT position_id FROM subsource)
This comes back with the following plan:
Seq Scan on subsource_position (cost=0.00..362486535.10 rows=128524 width=4)
Filter: (NOT (SubPlan 1))
SubPlan 1
-> Materialize (cost=0.00..2566.50 rows=101500 width=4)
-> Seq Scan on subsource (cost=0.00..1662.00 rows=101500 width=4)
Query #2:
SELECT id FROM subsource_position
SELECT position_id FROM subsource;
SetOp Except (cost=24760.35..25668.66 rows=95997 width=4)
-> Sort (cost=24760.35..25214.50 rows=181663 width=4)
Sort Key: "*SELECT* 1".id
-> Append (cost=0.00..6406.26 rows=181663 width=4)
-> Subquery Scan on "*SELECT* 1" (cost=0.00..4146.94 rows=95997 width=4)
-> Seq Scan on subsource_position (cost=0.00..3186.97 rows=95997 width=4)
-> Subquery Scan on "*SELECT* 2" (cost=0.00..2259.32 rows=85666 width=4)
-> Seq Scan on subsource (cost=0.00..1402.66 rows=85666 width=4)
(8 rows)
I have a feeling I'm missing either something obviously bad about one of my queries, or I have misconfigured the PostgreSQL server. I would have expected this NOT IN
to optimize well; is NOT IN
always a performance problem or is there a reason it does not optimize here?
Additional data:
=> select count(*) from subsource;
(1 row)
=> select count(*) from subsource_position;
(1 row)
Edit: I have now fixed the A-B != B-A problem mentioned below. But my problem as stated still exists: query #1 is still massively worse than query #2. This, I believe, follows from the fact that both tables have similar numbers of rows.
Edit 2: I'm using PostgresQL 9.0.4. I cannot use EXPLAIN ANALYZE because query #1 takes too long. All of these columns are NOT NULL, so there should be no difference as a result of that.
Edit 3: I have an index on both these columns. I haven't yet gotten query #1 to complete (gave up after ~10 minutes). Query #2 returns immediately.
Query #1 is not the elegant way for doing this... (NOT) IN SELECT is fine for a few entries, but it can't use indexes (Seq Scan
Not having EXCEPT, the alternative is to use a JOIN (HASH JOIN
FROM subsource_position AS sp
LEFT JOIN subsource AS s ON (s.position_id =
s.position_id IS NULL
EXCEPT appeared in Postgres long time ago... But using MySQL I believe this is still the only way, using indexes, to achieve this.
Since you are running with the default configuration, try bumping up work_mem. Most likely, the subquery ends up getting spooled to disk because you only allow for 1Mb of work memory. Try 10 or 20mb.
Your queries are not functionally equivalent so any comparison of their query plans is meaningless.
Your first query is, in set theory terms, this:
{subsource.position_id} - {}
^ ^ ^ ^
but your second is this:
{} - {subsource.position_id}
^ ^ ^ ^
And A - B
is not the same as B - A
for arbitrary sets A
and B
Fix your queries to be semantically equivalent and try again.
If id
and position_id
are both indexed (either on their own or first column in a multi-column index), then two index scans are all that are necessary - it's a trivial sorted-merge based set algorithm.
Personally I think PostgreSQL simply doesn't have the optimization intelligence to understand this.
(I came to this question after diagnosing a query running for over 24 hours that I could perform with sort x y y | uniq -u
on the command line in seconds. Database less than 50MB when exported with pg_dump.)
PS: more interesting comment here:
more work has been put into optimizing EXCEPT and NOT EXISTS than NOT IN, because the latter is substantially less useful due to its unintuitive but spec-mandated handling of NULLs. We're not going to apologize for that, and we're not going to regard it as a bug.
What it comes down to is that except
is different to not in
with respect to null handling. I haven't looked up the details, but it means PostgreSQL (aggressively) doesn't optimize it.
The second query makes usage of the HASH JOIN
feature of postgresql. This is much faster then the Seq Scan
of the first one.