Linking ranges to item in collection
I have a开发者_C百科 collection as such
Private Shared ReadOnly thermoPaths As New ReadOnlyCollection(Of String) _
And wish to link a decimal value between 1 and 100 to the corresponding item in my collection.
So basically what I am trying to achieve is this.
Select Case Decimal.Round(value)
Case 1 To 9
Dim x As String = thermoPaths(0)
Case 10 To 19
Dim x As String = thermoPaths(1)
Case 20 To 29
Dim x As String = thermoPaths(2)
Case 30 To 39
Dim x As String = thermoPaths(3)
case ''AND SO ON
End Select
But I'm sure there must be a "cleaner" way of doing this??
Just divide and round up to get the index.
i = Math.Ceiling(value / 10)
If value >= 0 AndAlso i < thermoPaths.Count Then
path = thermoPaths(i)
path = Nothing
End If
Some test points:
value i path
-1 0 <null> (because value < 0)
0 0 thermometer_000_108x320.jpg
1 1 thermometer_010_108x320.jpg
5 1 thermometer_010_108x320.jpg
10 1 thermometer_010_108x320.jpg
49 5 thermometer_050_108x320.jpg
51 6 thermometer_060_108x320.jpg
90 9 thermometer_090_108x320.jpg
91 10 thermometer_100_108x320.jpg
100 10 thermometer_100_108x320.jpg
101 11 <null> (because i > 10)
Divide value by 10, then get the floor of that, should give you the appropriate index.