
NullPointerException in DOM seletor method

I keep getting this error


08-16 22:55:46.360: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(11047): Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
  08-16 22:55:46.360: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(11047):     at com.fttech.htmlParser.releaseInfo.onCreate(releaseInfo.java:62)
08-16 22:55:46.360: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(11047):     at  android.app.Instrumentation.callActivityOnCreate(Instrumentation.java:1048)
08-16 22:55:46.360: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(11047):     at android.app.ActivityThread.performLaunchActivity(ActivityThread.java:1712)

Its pointing to my Element here

    Element paragraph = overview.select("p").last();

i am using this to retrieve the article

    try {
        doc = Jsoup.connect(url).get();
    } catch (Exception e) {
        // TODO Auto-generated catch block
    if(doc == null){
        Toa开发者_Python百科st.makeText(this, "Couldnt retrieve game info", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT);

    // Get the overview div
    Element overview = doc.select("div#object-overview").last();

Everytime you look for an element with select("") your calling last() in a chain which assumes it will always find atleast 1 element, in the situation that there is no say "p" in the document, that is when you will encounter a crash.

It's just simple NullPointerExceptions, you need to learn to code defensively:

// If you believe overview could be null
if(overview != null){
    ArrayList<Element> paragraphs = overview.select("p"); // Whatever type select(String) returns
    Element lastParagraph = null;
    if(paragraphs != null){
         lastParagraph = paragraphs.last();
    } else {
     // Deal with not finding "p" (lastParagraph is null in this situation)

   // Continue with lastParagraph 

} else {
  // Deal with overview being null

Number 1 Java Error (scroll down)

Also you shouldn't really wrap your code with a catch all Exception, try to catch each exception and deal with them individually.

Lookup the API for your get() method Jsoup get() (eclipse tells you this anyway) It throws IOException, so you should just catch this.

  try {
        doc = Jsoup.connect(url).get();
    } catch (IOException e) {
        Log.e("Tag", "Jsoup get didn't get a document", e);

Number 5 Java Error (scroll down)





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